Sunday, June 11, 2023

Are You Stuck In Life: Use 5 Simple Tips

In everyone’s life there comes a time when we might feel stuck in life. We may feel engulfed in the chains of monotony that hold us hostage. Our ambitions and aspirations go for a toss.

Deep down we are aware of our problems and maybe of the solutions too. Yet, there is something that keeps holding us back. It does not allow us to free ourselves from the mundane situation. At this point, we yearn for a breakthrough or a change that could breathe a new life into our seemingly hopeless life. The entire process seems to be daunting and exhausting.

Slowly, a feeling of ambiguity and despair creeps into our personality. Now, this is a point where we have to decide whether we want to remain a victim of the circumstances or would we try to come out of our comfort zone and start all over again. It is easier said than done because our fears and apprehensions will pull us back from the very thought of moving forward. Remember, it's natural. 

Feeling stuck is just not a feeling of being helpless but it is also very depressing and time consuming. It thrives on our mental peace and gnaws at our day-to-day routine.

While feeling stuck, a person is unable to make any big or pertinent decision. They take more time than usual to make a careful assessment of their decisions and this is again arduous. We tend to get trapped in a whirlpool of reasons which convince us not to change our situation.  Here, we start looking for support in the form of some sign from the universe which assures us. 

We must have realized that while we are feeling stuck it is much easier not to make any big decisions. There is a tendency to avoid making any big or small changes to the situation. Decision making especially when we are feeling stuck in life is an uphill task. We fear not making it again. It also induces feelings of anger and depression.

No matter how terrible it is, staying stuck becomes more appealing than moving out of the situation. 

The 5 steps to follow when feeling stuck

  1. Learn to be brave

Being courageous is not so easy.  It means that we have to do something that we are not comfortable with. We take the plunge and do it anyway. At times, being a little fearful works as it makes us more conscious and cautious  about the decisions we’re going to make. Remember we are like the toddler who is trying to take the first step. He is scared of falling but his determination to walk makes him overcome his fear.  Like the toddler we may stumble or fall but then rest assured we will also run.

  1. Challenge your Beliefs

Over a period of time, we tend to have certain fixed notions or beliefs about certain aspects of our lives. These assumptions may or may not be viable. Write them down on a piece of paper. Introspection is the first step. Second, brainstorm some new ideas. The whole purpose behind this task is to find new methods to come out of the situation.  Going back to the old ideas would only make one feel more stuck in life.

  1. Choose your inner circle

We must be having people around us who have the best intentions for us. They may be family or friends. Remember, they are our true confidants because they know us inside out.  Select the people you confide in very wisely because not all friends or relatives may be right for you, but some will definitely be. Sit down with them and discuss your strategy. They will be patient listeners and may give you some valuable input as well.

  1. Have a foresight

It’s very important to have a vision in life.  Map it in your mind. Make your mind your vision board. We must learn to look beyond our apprehensions. Learn to ignore short-term anxieties and fears. Visualize yourself as one, two, or even five years later.

  1. Imagine the worst case scenarios

List down the worst that can happen to you. At least, you get to know that nothing worse can happen beyond this point. Immediately, you tend to feel a bit relieved. Now, carefully assess each of the scenarios. Ask yourself how you are going to handle each of them. Can you find a solution for them?  The solution may not be very easy but the very fact that there is a solution makes you going. It instills an element of confidence. Now, break from the shackles of fear and anxiety and plan to walk out of the situation.

Use these strategies and help yourself to move forward.


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